Monday, April 21, 2014

Spirited Away Tunnel: Foliage Instancing

I implemented a particle instancer in Maya to distribute the grass, I like how automated it made populating the hill areas, but it looks pretty crappy as it falls off on the path.

The path was drawn out with Maya's 3D paint tool, I just painted black on the areas where I wanted grass and then plugged that texture into the instancer node! Really handy. I think I'm going to use custom painting to do the areas of grass falling off to the road.

Render Time without trees and hand placed shrubs = 3:13 at 960 x 640

Render Time with trees and shrubs = 6:58 at 960 x 640

So obviously the trees contribute quite a lot to the render times, I'm wondering just how much render time will be saved with proxies?

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